320 Billion Dollar Market
The global plastic packaging market size is projected to reach USD 320.94 billion by 2027, registering a revenue-based CAGR of 4.0% over the forecast period. The market is majorly driven by the growing demand for plastic packaging from the food and beverage and industrial packaging industry. The demand for new houses, cars, and apartments is expected to grow with the rise in the disposable incomes in countries such as U.S, India, and China.
Source: Grand View Research Inc.
One of the key drivers for the plastic packaging industry is pharmaceutical industry growth. Owing to advances in science and technology, the pharmaceutical industry has been growing at a rapid pace over the past few years especially in emerging counties such as China, India, and Brazil.
Source: Grand View Research Inc.

Strategic Process Mapping, Data Acquisition and Data Integration
Real Time Tracking for your Production Floor
Data Acquisition and Integration
Arcstone's Strategic Process Map provides remote access to a real-time view of your operations
Gain access to a live view of your machine status, performance and production lines
Enables product traceability and visibility from anywhere in the world
Our arc.quire Data Acquisition System can pull streams of data from production floors, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of operations
Arcstone's arc.link system integrates existing software solutions, so manufacturers can centralize core data into specific databases
Data-driven Production Traceability
Realize step change improvements in safety and value creation with arc.ops

Advanced Scheduling
arc.ops offers
The generation, maintenance and translation of sales quotations into orders to proceed seamlessly into production and processing
A comprehensive toolset that provides scheduling, workflow creation, generating production runs and automatic resource allocation
Process mapping into configurable, dynamic workflows for visibility into machine status and resource utilization
arc.ops offers
Strategic Process Map
Flexible, comprehensive real-time oversight of a manufacturer's entire production operation
The ability to quickly detect, drill down, identify root causes and implement decisions to rectify any production issues on-the-go
Integration with other systems to provide enhanced features, such as digital twin (simulation), custom workstation interface, etc
arc.ops offers
Improved capabilities to track and trace materials, energy, labor, and other inputs during the production process
The meeting of quality compliance standards and raw material audits even under the strictest requirements
Toolsets integrated with barcode and RFID scanning to track your raw material usage
Auto-scheduling of jobs based on available qualified personnel, machines and resources